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Police issue apology for disclosing personal info of deceased

Police issued an apology last night for having released personal information of a youth who passed away through falling off a building.

Mariyath Mohamed
15 October 2024, MVT 09:35
Police / Cyber Crime / Scam
Mariyath Mohamed
15 October 2024, MVT 09:35

Police issued an apology last night for having released personal information of a youth who passed away through falling off a building.

In a press conference held yesterday, Police had shared personal information regarding a 25 year old who passed away through falling off the tenth storey of a building. They cited medical reports in their statement.

Regarding this, Police said that the information had been shared in response to false information being circulated through a media outlet. The broadcast media also shared false allegations regarding the investigation and relatives of the deceased, they said.

Police said that they accept some of the information should not have been disclosed in the press briefing, although it had been done with the knowledge of the family.

"This service accepts that some sensitive information was shared during the media briefing and apologize to all," Police said.

Police do not usually share details of victims in cases believed to be of suicide, even if the cases may hold public interest.

Private TV station, Channel 13, had aired a report sharing details of the medical treatments which were being sought by the deceased, and raised serious allegations against the victim's stepfather Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ahmed Nazim. Police, in yesterday's press conference, rejected these allegations.

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