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MIB signs with partners of Guesthouse Symposium

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has today signed with key partners for the Guesthouse Symposium.

Mariyath Mohamed
26 September 2024, MVT 16:19
Mariyath Mohamed
26 September 2024, MVT 16:19

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has today signed with key partners for the Guesthouse Symposium.

The signings were held at MIB's Head Office today.

National Hotels and Guesthouse Association Maldives signed as an Associate Partner, while Think Association signed as Event Partner.

The Media Partner for the symposium is Mihaaru, and the Broadcasting Partner is PSM.

Vice President of the National Hotels and Guesthouse Association Maldives said that the symposium would prove to be a platform through which important information about the guesthouse industry can be shared, and would present new opportunities for those in the industry.

Participation in this symposium is free of charge and open to all stakeholders in the industry.

The Guesthouse Symposium will be held on October 10 at Crossroads Maldives.

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