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Maldivians returned from Syria to remain at NRC for another six months

Maldivian families brought back home from war zones in Syria will remain at the National Reintegration Centre for an additional six months.

Ameera Osmanagic
21 October 2024, MVT 08:37
[File] The National Reintegration Centre established in Himmafushi by the Maldivian Government -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
21 October 2024, MVT 08:37

Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has decided that 19 of the 21 Maldivians who were brought back home after they went to Syria to participate in the country's war zone will remain at the National Reintegration Centre (NCR) for another six months.

The government of Maldives brought the 21 individuals, belonging to five families, back to Maldives via a chartered flight last January after they requested the government for assistance. Among them were 15 children, five women and one man. All of them were placed at the NCR established in Himmafushi, before being allowed to reintegrate into the society.

Spokesperson of Homeland Security, Fathimath Rifaath told local media outlet Mihaaru that the decision to extend their original six months of integration by an another six months was finalised on 16th August, 2024.

However, two children were released back to their families after successful completion of the reintegration programme, while the rest still remain at the facility.

All expenses regarding the reintegration of individuals who are brought back after fleeing the country to participate in wars are borne by the Maldivian government.

Back in January, Homeland Security Minister Ali Ihusan said that the government will also take legal action against the individuals if necessary.

According to the Terrorism Prevention Act, travelling to a war zone without the government's permission is a crime carrying a prison sentence of five to seven years. As per the Act, all parts of Syria are considered war zones.

The first time Maldivians were repatriated back to the country after going to and getting stranded in war zones was in 2022. That time, a woman and her three children were brought back. The family was reintegrated back into society after they completed the reintegration programme at the centre.