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Japan, Maldives discuss avenues for further cooperation

Fathmath Shaahunaz
05 December 2019, MVT 18:27
Japanese Ambassador Keiko Yanai pays courtesy call on President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on December 5, 2019. PHOTO/PRESIDENT'S OFFICE
Fathmath Shaahunaz
05 December 2019, MVT 18:27

Maldives and Japan discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the fields of human resources development, renewable energy technologies and commerce, on Thursday.

The discussion took place during a courtesy call paid by Ambassador of Japan to Maldives Keiko Yanai on President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

According to the President's Office, President Solih expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality he and First Lady Fazna Ahmed received from the Japanese government during their visit to Japan earlier this year, to attend the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Naruhito to the Chrysanthemum throne.

In addition to avenues for further cooperation, the president and the ambassador also expressed confidence in their efforts to enhance the longstanding relations between the two countries.