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Nominations for President's Award for Special Achievement open in August

Nominations for the awards are open from August 1 to September 16.

Malika Shahid
28 July 2024, MVT 14:45
An award conferred to a recipient during an earlier ceremony
Malika Shahid
28 July 2024, MVT 14:45

Nominations for the President's Award for Special Achievement will open in August, according to the President's Office.

The nomination period runs from August 1 to September 16.

Nominations can be submitted through the President's Office's "Form Submission" portal. This year, the award will be conferred in four categories:

1. Outstanding achievement in a higher education course or training.

2. Highest rank or honor in an international exhibition, competition, or other international measurement.

3. Outstanding achievement through creating a new invention or product or conducting scientific research to solve an important problem faced in the Maldives.

4. Skilled, artistic youth who have achieved outstanding accomplishments in their creative and innovative work for national development.

The award will be presented at the official ceremony on Maldives Republic Day, November 11.

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