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Supreme Court rejects Shadhiya's appeal

Supreme Court has rejected the appeal against the High Court's ruling that Aishath Shadhiya was unlawfully for protesting against Israel near embassies in Male'.

Malika Shahid
17 October 2024, MVT 17:18
Shadhiya and Shazra protesting near embassies
Malika Shahid
17 October 2024, MVT 17:18

Supreme Court has rejected the appeal against the High Court's ruling that Aishath Shadhiya was unlawfully for protesting against Israel near embassies in Male'.

Shadhiya and Dr Shazra Ibrahim were arrested twice last month for participating in these protests but are currently on conditional release following Criminal Court extending their remand on two occasions.

Last week, High Court ruled that Shadhiya's five day detention was unlawful. Prosecution had appealed the case at the Supreme Court last Thursday.

The Registrar of the Supreme Court has now decided not to accept the case.

Although its was ruled that Shadhiya was detained illegally, the High Court ruled that damages could not be awarded in the case. The ruling explained that under the Criminal Procedure Act, compensation for unlawful detention must be pursued through a civil court with such jurisdiction. High Court stated that compensation could not be awarded during the stage where a decision on the remand is being taken, and the amount sought by Shadhiya could not be determined.

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