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Supreme Court Judge vacancy reannounced

Judicial Services Commission (JSC) has once again announced they are seeking applications to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court bench.

Mariyath Mohamed
13 March 2025, MVT 09:43
Mariyath Mohamed
13 March 2025, MVT 09:43

Judicial Services Commission (JSC) has once again announced they are seeking applications to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court bench.

The commission first announced the vacancy two days ago, with its deadline being reached yesterday. The only application received was that of former Deputy Prosecutor General Mariyam Nihayath.

JSC then reannounced the vacancy, stating that they had not received a sufficient number of applications in response to the initial announcement.

The deadline for this new announcement is 10am on Saturday. JSC confirmed that Nihayath will not have to reapply.

The requirements from candidates is a minimum of seven years experience as a judge or lawyer, a first degree in Islamic Shariah or law or Islamic Shariah and law, being a minimum of 30 years of age, not being a member of any political party and not being active in any political party, the announcement said.

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