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MVR 1.46 mil set as minimum compensation for wrongful workplace death

LRA is implementing new regulations which require employers to give compensations for on the job injuries and death.

Ameera Osmanagic
18 October 2024, MVT 19:05
[File] A labourers working at a construction site -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
18 October 2024, MVT 19:05

Labour Relations Authority (LRA) has set a new regulation requiring employers to compensate heirs by a minimum of MVR 1.46 million in cases of wrongful workplace death of their employees.

The regulation, which came into effect last Wednesday, is titled Workplace Safety and Health Protection Regulation. It includes guidelines on how compensations should be provided in the event of a disability or loss of life in the workplace.

According to the regulation, if a person is injured in the workplace or in connection with or as a result of work, causing temporary or permanent disability or loss of life, the family of the employee would have to be compensated.

Compensations for injuries

- All medical expenses towards the injury

- Wages for days absent from work due to medical treatment

- Compensation for damages due to temporary or permanent disability caused by the injury

- Compensation in case of death due to injury

In the event of a permanent disability, compensation must be provided for ten years, with the highest amount being MVR 19 million, whle the lowest is MVR 1,260,000. The amount to be compensated has to be calculated based on the age, degree of disability and multiple other factors.

In case of death while at work, compensation depends on the age and monthly income of the individual as well as the degree of negligence by the employer.

However, even if the death occurred due to an accident without negligence, the heirs of the employee would be entitled to MVR 50,000 as compensation. If death was a result of negligence, the amount goes over one million Maldivian Rufiyaa.

Considering the degree of negligence, age and wage of the employee, the lowest compensation amount would be MVR 1.46 million, while the most would be MVR 15.4 million.

The regulation also outlines other measures to ensure safety of employees in the workplace.