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One arrested for theft of MVR 28,000 through sending fake dollar slip

An individual has been arrested for taking MVR 28,000 from a person through claiming to be selling dollars, but in fact sending a fake dollar transfer slip.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 October 2024, MVT 06:41
Criminal Court in Male' City. FILE PHOTO / MIHAARU
Mariyath Mohamed
19 October 2024, MVT 06:41

An individual has been arrested for taking MVR 28,000 from a person claiming to be selling dollars, but in fact sending a fake dollar transfer slip.

The man arrested in the case is a 27 year old Maldivian by the name Zaidhan Mohamed Hashim.

The court order placing him in custody said that Zaidhan had taken possession of MVR 28,000 through false pretenses by sending a forged dollar transfer slip. It further said that a part of these funds has since been returned.

According to the court order, Zaidhan's family had spoken with the victim, and agreed to return the funds.

The Criminal Court has placed Zaidhan in remand in custody for a period of 15 days.

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