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Uthuru Gateway Head Office established

The 'Uthuru ISPS Gate' was inaugurated by Uligan's Retired Magistrate Idhrees Adam in a special ceremony held at the island yesterday.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 September 2024, MVT 09:31
Uthuru ISPS Gate.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
19 September 2024, MVT 09:31

The Head Office for the 'Uthuru' (North) Gateway Project in the northernmost islands of Maldives has been opened in Haa Alif atoll Uligan.

The 'Uthuru ISPS Gate' was inaugurated by Uligan's Retired Magistrate Idhrees Adam in a special ceremony held at the island yesterday.

The office will accommodate personnel from Maldives Immigration, Maldives Customs Service and Maldives National Defence Force. It is also equipped with a detention room and a security screening machine at the entrance.

Uthuru ISPS Gate.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

In addition to bunkering, they offer water and food services, crew exchange, docking services, garbage disposal, tug services and maintenance services.

Maldives Ports Limited CEO Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim said that fourteen different services will be provided through the Uthuru ISPS Gate. He expressed confidence in the capabilities of the company's staff in providing those services, and assured that the services will continue to improve.

"We will do that while staying aware that this is for the international market, knowing that it is a competitive market. We will continue to improve services, ensure customer satisfaction, and offer services at a good price," Wajeeh said.

Uthuru ISPS Gate.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Bunkering services are set to officially commence today. STO signed a contract in March with Netherlands company Vitol to establish Maldives Economic Gateway (Ihavandhippolhu).

STO CEO Ahmed Shimad said that the introduction of these services would see the northern Maldives transforming into a major marketplace, with the new services being introduced making full use of its strategic location.

Uthuru ISPS Gate.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

"This gateway will become a marketplace. That is because this gateway will provide services to vessels traveling near here, not just yachts, but even cargo boats and container ships," he said.

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