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Fuvahmulah saw rainfall of 120mm on Tuesday

Yesterday's rains were particularly heavy in Fuvahmulah, with the city experiencing 120mm of rainfall during the day.

Mariyath Mohamed
09 October 2024, MVT 13:01
Heavy Raining / Weather / Flood
Mariyath Mohamed
09 October 2024, MVT 13:01

Yesterday's rains were particularly heavy in Fuvahmulah, with the city experiencing 120mm of rainfall during the day.

Statistics of yesterday's rainfall shared by the MET Office today indicate that Fuvahmulah had the highest amount of rainfall in the 24 hours following 08:00 hrs yesterday morning, with the reading reaching 120mm of rainfall.

The second highest recorded rainfall was in Gan, Addu City with 70mm, followed by Laamu atoll Kahdhoo with 60mm.

Southern atolls had the highest rainfall yesterday.

MET Office has earlier predicted stormy weather with heavy rain and thunderstorms across the nation this week, with the Southwest monsoon intensifying.

Late September to early October generally brings rainy conditions to the country. The Southwest monsoon comes to end in December.

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