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MVR 20 million verdict over MIFCO not repealed

Civil Court on Thursday maintained that MIFCO failed to provide sufficient grounds to alter or overturn the earlier judgment.

Malika Shahid
20 October 2024, MVT 15:05
A MIFCO shop
Malika Shahid
20 October 2024, MVT 15:05

Civil Court has ruled that Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Ltd (MIFCO) must pay MVR 20.5 million in damages to Employment Bureau Maldives, rejecting MIFCO's request to quash the judgment.

The verdict was passed down following a breach of contract case filed by Employment Bureau Maldives, for which the court ordered MIFCO to compensate the private company in a one time payment within 14 days.

MIFCO sought to have the judgment reviewed under the Civil Procedure Act, arguing that they had valid reasons for not paying the compensation and wished to submit new evidence.

Civil Court on Thursday maintained that MIFCO failed to provide sufficient grounds to alter or overturn the earlier judgment.

Civil Court hence ordered that there was no need to quash the original ruling.

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