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MQA learns of forged certificate submitted to a foreign university

It has come to light that a forged certificate designed to look like it was issued from a Maldivian institute was submitted to a foreign university.

Mariyath Mohamed
20 September 2024, MVT 13:03
Mariyath Mohamed
20 September 2024, MVT 13:03

It has come to light that a forged certificate designed to look like it was issued from a Maldivian institute was submitted to a foreign university.

Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA) CEO Fizana Rasheed said that universities in other countries rarely approach to verify authenticity of Maldivian certificates. In fact, this is the first such instance, she said.

According to Fizana, the university had had some concerns regarding the authenticity of the Masters degree submitted to them, and hence had forwarded it to the issuing body for confirmation.

The institute in Maldives, once they received the request, observed that the certificate had been forged, and had forwarded the matter to MQA.

Fizana said that the matter would be reported to Police in the coming week.

There has been similar incidents in the recent past as well where higher education certificates had been forged.

In August, MQA submitted such a case against two individuals to police.

Of these had been a woman who had submitted forged certificates claiming she has a teaching degree. Both her O'level and diploma certificates were also found to have been forged. This was discovered after she had submitted applications to a number of schools in Male'.

Fizana added that there are also cases where the signature of the lawyer who attests the certificates is also forged.

She said that the issue of forgeries is rising because local validation had been brought to a stop in 2016.

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