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Alia wins a Global Finance Award

Alia Investments has won the Excellence Award in the non-bank islamic financing category at the Global Islamic Finance Awards.

Mariyath Mohamed
18 September 2024, MVT 16:36
Mariyath Mohamed
18 September 2024, MVT 16:36

Alia Investments has won the Excellence Award in the non-bank islamic financing category at the Global Islamic Finance Awards.

At the Global Islamic Finance Award ceremony held at Villa Nautica Paradise Island Resort, Alia's Marketing Manager Ahmed Aseel accepted the award on behalf of the company.

The 'Alia Ijara Model' launched in 2013 is the first islamic financing instalment scheme introduced by a private company in the Maldives. In 2017, Alia introduced 'Bai-ul Thagseeth', a scheme through which motorcycles taken on instalment are registered with a P (Private) board instead of a C (Company) board upon paying the first down payment.

Alia Islamic Financing schemes are designed on the advice of Alia Shariah Advisory Committee, which includes Professor Dr Aishath Muneeza, Sheikh Dr Ali Zahir Bin Saeed Gasim and Sheikh Ahmed Sameer.

This year marks Alia's 60th anniversary.

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