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Maldives elderly population at 20,500

The report reveals that there are currently 10,530 elderly men and 10,023 elderly women in the Maldives, making up five percent of the total population.

Malika Shahid
02 October 2024, MVT 14:00
Two elderly people -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
02 October 2024, MVT 14:00

Statistics reveal that the elderly population of Maldives stands at 20,500.

Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development released a report today on the statistics of the elderly in connection with International Day for Older Persons, celebrated annually on October 1.

The report reveals that there are currently 10,530 elderly men and 10,023 elderly women in the Maldives, making up five percent of the total population.

While 63 percent of this demographic are aged between 65 and 74, nine percent are over the age of 85.

Number of elderly persons between the ages 65 and 74:

- Females: 6,335

- Males: 6,668

Number of elderly persons between the ages 75 and 84:

- Females: 2,935

- Males: 2,839

Number of elderly persons over the age of 85:

- Females: 753

- 1,023

The highest percentage of the elderly population in the Maldives resides in the capital, Male' City, with 6,669 individuals. Addu City follows with 1,802 elderly residents, while Haa Dhaalu atoll has a population of 1,303 elderly individuals.

Statistics indicate that 60 percent of the elderly population in the Maldives are married, 11 percent are divorced, 20 percent are widowed, and 1 percent have never been married.

A study conducted by Maldives National University (MNU) in 2020 reveals that over 50 percent of the elderly in the Maldives experience loneliness and suffer from depression.

Given the prevalence of such mental health issues among older individuals, the study emphasizes the need for support systems and programs to address these concerns.

It suggests training health workers to visit communities where the elderly reside to provide necessary care. The responsibility for this initiative should be shared among health workers and relevant agencies, the study advised.