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Thoriq resigns as Deputy PG Leader of PNC

Thoriq resigned as Deputy PG Leader of PNC in less than three months since he was appointed for the job.

Ameera Osmanagic
28 July 2024, MVT 22:58
(R) MP of Mahibadhoo constituency and now resigned Deputy PG Leader of PNC -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
28 July 2024, MVT 22:58

Mahibadhoo MP Ahmed Thoriq (Tom) has resigned from his post as Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader of ruling party People's National Congress (PNC), which also holds super majority at the parliament.

At the time of receiving Thoriq's resignation, PG group leader Ibrahim Falah said that although he had received the letter, he did not know the reason behind Thoriq's resignation.

"I believe he took the step due to personal reasons," Falah, who also serves as Inguraidhoo MP said.

Thoriq, who is currently serving his third term in parliament, later said in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that his resignation was due to his inability to fully dedicate his time to the parliamentary group's work because of personal reasons.

However, no further details are known regarding the matter at this time.

Thoriq's resignation from the post comes less than three months after his appointment.

While he endorsed President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's candidacy, local reports suggest he may have initially been aligned with President Abdulla Yameen.