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Former Finance Minister Shafeeq appointed to HDFC Board

Dr Mohamed Shafeeq, who served as this administration's first Finance Minister, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC).

Mariyath Mohamed
22 December 2024, MVT 10:45
Finance ministry mohamed shafeeq
Mariyath Mohamed
22 December 2024, MVT 10:45

Dr Mohamed Shafeeq, who served as this administration's first Finance Minister, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC).

As per the website of the Privatization and Corporatization Board, Shafeeq was appointed on December 2. HDFC website also names him as a Board Member.

From 2021 to 2023, Shafeeq filled the position of Chief Financial Officer at HDFC. He has filled senior positions there even previously.

Shafeeq resigned from his ministerial position on September 30, when President Dr Mohamed Muizzu was bringing changes to his cabinet.

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