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Special operation launched to inspect chemical storage facilities

The operation, launched to ensure that chemical storage and trading facilities meet the standards stipulated in the regulations and raise public awareness of the laws and guidelines governing the import and storage of chemicals will continue until October 15.

Malika Shahid
01 October 2024, MVT 22:06
Teams from the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) and the police have initiated the special operation launched to ensure facilities storing hazardous chemicals are in compliance with the regulations
Malika Shahid
01 October 2024, MVT 22:06

A special operation has been launched to inspect facilities storing hazardous chemicals to ensure compliance with chemical storage regulations.

The Ministry of Defense announced the launch of "Operation Hiraas Faas" (Operation Danger Check) to ensure that chemical storage and trading facilities meet the standards stipulated in the regulations.

The operation also aims to raise public awareness of the laws and guidelines governing the import and storage of chemicals.

The inspection is being carried out by teams from the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) and the police.

Deputy Minister of Defense Fathimath Mizna Ali met with the teams to initiate the operation and discussed its significance, according to the ministry.

The Ministry of Defense regulates the import and storage of chemicals for various uses.

The operation, which will continue until 15 October, will check whether chemical storage facilities and businesses are complying with regulations, as well as identify fire-prone areas and assess challenges, the ministry said.

This initiative follows multiple complaints received regarding violations of chemical storage regulations.

As of now, storage of any form of chemicals in Male' is prohibited, and a special area has been designated for this purpose in Hulhumale'.

Chemical storage was banned in the Male' City on 20th September 2019, after a dangerous fire broke out in a chemical warehouse in Thilafushige, a premise located in Henveiru. Four chemical storage warehouses and six houses were destroyed in the incident, which killed one person and forced the evacuation of four hundred people.

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