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Chemical warehouse in Malé City vacated

Malika Shahid
05 April 2023, MVT 00:54
Inside the chemical warehouse discovered in Galolhu ward: The warehouse was built illegally, according to the police -- Photo: Ahmed Naeem | Twitter
Malika Shahid
05 April 2023, MVT 00:54

A chemical warehouse built in a private residence in Malé City has been vacated and relocated to Hulhumalé.

The chemical warehouse was located at Lily Road, adjacent to Gaskarage in Galolhu ward.

This is the first time such a place has been discovered since chemical warehouses were banned and relocated from Malé City. The issue garnered attention on social media, with many criticising the government.

The warehouse has now been moved to Hulhumalé, according to the police.

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) conducted an initial inspection of the location after media outlets brought the matter to their attention. MNDF found that some of the items there had been stored illegally.

It is now prohibited to store any kind of chemical in Malé City, and the government has provided land in Hulhumalé for this purpose.

The ban on chemical storage in the city was implemented after a fire broke out in a chemical warehouse in Thilafushige in Henveiru ward, leaving many homeless.

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