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Maldivian ministers discuss bilateral ties with Chinese Ambassador

Shahudha Mohamed
15 October 2020, MVT 21:48
Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid and Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer sitting down for discussions with Ambassador of China to Maldives Zhang Lizhong and relevant officials. PHOTO: FOREIGN MINISTRY
Shahudha Mohamed
15 October 2020, MVT 21:48

Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid and Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer, on Thursday, sat with the Chinese Ambassador to Maldives Zhang Lizhong to discuss bilateral ties between the two countries.

Officials from the Chinese Embassy and Foreign Ministry also took part in the discussions held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to Minister Shahid talks mainly revolved around exploring economic cooperation between Maldives and China in a post-pandemic environment.

The minister highlighted the "strong support" that continues to be provided by China in the economic process and areas of other mutual interest.

Maldives received an overwhelming amount of free aid from China for the COVID-19 response as well, in the form of donations.

The donations came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, The People's Government of Guangxi Zhuan Autonomous Region, China Merchants Port Group Co. Ltd, Alibaba Foundation, China Machinery Engineering Corporation, Beijing Urban Construction Investment and Development Co. Ltd, Dongfang Electric International Corporation, China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

Thanking the aforementioned companies, Shahid had especially highlighted Beijing Urban Construction Investment and Development Co. Ltd and China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd for their ongoing efforts in constructing the emergency centres announced by the government as part of the COVID-19 response.

Appreciating the help offered by China during these trying times, the minister had named the Chinese President Xi Jinping, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives Zhang Lizhong, thanking them for their kind consideration towards Maldives, despite the toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on China.