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Emergency hotline 911 to be introduced

Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has begun efforts to introduce short code line 911 as an emergency response hotline.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 October 2024, MVT 11:41
Mariyath Mohamed
03 October 2024, MVT 11:41

Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has begun efforts to introduce short code line 911 as an emergency response hotline.

The creation of this hotline which will connect callers to relevant responders was proposed by Ministry of Health to the Social Council at President's Office. The council passed to implement this at the earliest.

The council decided that establishment of the hotline would be led by the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology, with the dedicated number decided as 911.

Homeland Security Minister Ali Ihusan, Foreign Minister Dr Abdulla Khaleel, Commissioner of Police Ali Shujau and senior officials of Maldives National Defence Force held a meeting to discuss this at the end of September.

Homeland Security then met with Aasandha, IGMH and other relevant institutions yesterday.

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