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Hirimaradhoo School: no principal for four years

Ministry of Education has revealed yesterday that the Haa Dhaalu atoll Hirimaradhoo School has not had a principal for the past four years.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 October 2024, MVT 15:01
Mariyath Mohamed
24 October 2024, MVT 15:01

Ministry of Education has revealed yesterday that the Haa Dhaalu atoll Hirimaradhoo School has not had a principal for the past four years.

The latest serving principal at the school was a foreigner who left the position in 2021 following discontent from some parents. At the start of that academic school year, parents had kept their children from school and protested that acceptable O'level results were not being achieved through keeping that principal in position.

At the time, to resolve the issue, the Principal had been transferred to another island, and a temporary replacement sent to take over the job. Once the term of the temporary Principal ended, running of the school was handed over to the leading teacher at the time.

Education Minister Dr Ismail Shafeeu said that the ministry had previously made efforts to appoint a leading teacher at the school to the position of principal. However, the leading teacher in question did not meet the necessary requirements, nor did the parents agree to this course of action.

The school is currently being managed by another leading teacher.

The O'level results from the school in the previous three years were significantly good, Mihaaru News reports. All students who sat O'level exams this year passed in seven subjects and one was amongst the national top ten.

Hirimaradhoo School has 37 students enrolled, with 17 teachers.