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Cat shelter to be established in Farukolhufushi to transfer stray cats in Male'

The state has reached a decision to build a cat shelter in Farukolhufushi and transfer the stray cats on the streets of Male to the facility in order to resolve the issue of the growing stray cat population in the Male' Region.

Aishath Shuba Solih
22 January 2024, MVT 14:04
Stray cat on the streets of Male'.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Aishath Shuba Solih
22 January 2024, MVT 14:04

The state has decided to establish a pet care facility in Farukolhufushi, Hulhumale' for the stray cats residing in the Male' City roads.

Public Policy Secretary of the President's Office Abdulla Nazim said that a land plot has been selected for the establishment of the pet care facility. He further added that the facility will be developed under an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare and Male' City Council.

“It has been decided to establish a pet care facility in the land arranged in Farukolhufushi and transfer the stray cats found living in the streets of Male.” Nazim said.

Male City Council has also previously released an announcement seeking expressions of interest from individuals willing to build a cat center at the expense of the State Council. Despite the search being unfruitful after three announcements, the fourth one found individuals keen on taking up the project.

The Council announced at the time that the street cats in Male' would be transferred to the temporary facility that was being built in the Fishermen’s Park after being neutered. A budget of 1.9 million was also allocated for the project at the time. However, details of the project's progression was not revealed.

Complaints over the high feral cat population in Male’ and the difficulties caused by the resulting pollution, and possible spread of disease, has been soaring. The establishment of a cat shelter was a vow made by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu. All the candidates that contended in the recently concluded Male' City Mayoral Elections also made similar pledges.

During his campaign, the elected Mayor, Maldives Progressive Party (MDP)’s Adam Azim also proposed to establish a cat park fully equipped with the essential services required in a dedicated area, together with a clinic providing veterinary services.

Azim said then that looking at it practically, implementing the facility in order to rectify the cat situation may take some time. He, however, assured that in order to take immediate action on resolving the issue, priority will be given to the cat situation in Male City within 3-6 months of assuming office and the neutering of the stray cats will be begun after establishing a temporary shelter for them.

According to the Welfare for Island Cats (WIC), the streets of the Greater Male Region is populated with over 3000 cats. The WIC deduced that if quick measures are not taken to decrease these numbers, the stray cat population will increase to an alarming 9000 very soon.