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Drowned Correctional Service officer passes away

Mohamed Rehan
31 October 2022, MVT 11:09
Maafushi Prison-- Photo: Ahmed Avshan | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
31 October 2022, MVT 11:09

A Maldives Correctional Service officer, amid training, passed away on Sunday, October 30 from drowning.

The authority has confirmed the identity of the demised as Aminath Nashwa, 18. She was undergoing the basic training course of Institute for Correctional Studies at Kaafu Atoll Maafushi.

Police Media correspondent confirms receiving report of a drowned Correctional Service officer transported to Maafushi health center around 11:15a.m. on Sunday morning.

She was transferred to Male' City for medical attention, and passed away amid treatment, Maldives Police confirmed. The authority further notified it was currently investigating the case.

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