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Domestic violence case against MP Easa scheduled for Monday

Lamya Abdulla
17 June 2021, MVT 14:24
Ahmed Easa at a Majilis Committee: the domestic violence case against Easa was first reported in May - Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru Ahmed Easa at a Majilis Committee: the domestic violence case against Easa was first reported in May - Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru
Ahmed Easa at a Majilis Committee: the domestic violence case against Easa was first reported in May - Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
17 June 2021, MVT 14:24

The court hearing for the domestic abuse case against Majilis Member of the Kendhikulhudoo constituency Ahmed Easa has been scheduled for next Monday.

Easa has been accused of physically his wife Asra Naseem and their young child. The case against him was first reported to the police in May. The case was sent for prosecution on June 3.

Prosecutor's General Office (PGO) said on Wednesday the first hearing of this case has been scheduled for 11:00 am of June 21 in the Criminal Court.

Even though the domestic abuse case was first reported by Asra, after giving her statement to the police she had later said she did not want to press charges. However, due to the nature of the case, police went ahead with the investigation.

If Easa is found guilty, he he would receive a maximum jail sentence of two months and twelve days.

Previously PGO had requested for a court order from the Criminal Court to arrest Easa due to the domestic abuse accusations aimed at him. Due to legal obstacles, Criminal Court refused to issue one though.

There was public outcry demanding Easa resign from Majilis when the accusations against him was made public. While he did not resign as a Majilis Representative, he did quit as the Chairperson of the Majilis Social Issues Committee.