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Over 6000 cases of fly-tipping on Male' streets so far this year

Male' City Council has received over 6000 reports of fly-tipping on Male' streets within the past six months, with people dumping household waste, old furniture and other waste on the streets and public spaces.

Mariyath Mohamed
29 July 2024, MVT 11:18
Mariyath Mohamed
29 July 2024, MVT 11:18

Male' City Council has received over 6000 reports of fly-tipping on Male' streets within the past six months, with people dumping household waste, old furniture and other waste on the streets and public spaces.

Last night, the council published a report of their work within the past six months. As per the report, the council received 6560 cases regarding fly-tipping on streets and empty lands in Male'.

With the issue having escalated over past months, the city council held a drive in collaboration with police to identify and fine offenders.

In the approach to last Ramadan, many people dumped old furniture, electrical appliances and other unwanted objects onto Male' streets after cleaning out their homes. This led to streets turning into makeshift dump yards, with the issue slowly getting out of hand. WAMCO and City Council stepped in and cleaned the streets, even offering to collect waste for free. However, the issue persisted with people continuing to fly-tip.

As per the City Council's report, they removed 2,359.2 tonnes of waste from Male' within the past six months. Including waste collected in other ways, a total of 6,475.2 tonnes of waste were disposed of.

Other statistics revealed in the report:

- 11,607 places were monitored for mosquito control

- 1,212 cases were received of persons sleeping in parks and mosques

- 1,088 stickers were issued for vehicles contravening regulations

- 437 fines issued for various reasons

- 336 cases of conducting work on streets without seeking permits and boards

- 322 cases of illegal trading on streets

- Garage permits issued for 312 four wheeled vehicles

- 223 cases of goods and other items being placed outside stores

- 141 cases of construction goods and material being kept on streets

- 33 cases concerning parking violations

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