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Maldives exports baled container of used plastic bottles

This initiative is part of the Coca-Cola Foundation's Island PET Collection Project, which aims to establish an effective recycling mechanism for plastic waste across the country, going beyond the current disposal system in Thilafushi.

Malika Shahid
23 October 2024, MVT 10:42
Malika Shahid
23 October 2024, MVT 10:42

Coca-Cola Foundation, in partnership with the Maldives Ocean Plastics Alliance (MOPA) and the Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO), has exported a baled container of used plastic (PET) bottles.

The bottles were sent to Malaysia and China for recycling as part of the foundation's ongoing efforts to manage plastic waste in the Maldives.

This initiative is a significant step forward, as baling the bottles has increased the volume of waste that can be transported and has made the process more efficient.

This initiative is part of the Coca-Cola Foundation's Island PET Collection Project, which aims to establish an effective recycling mechanism for plastic waste across the country, going beyond the current disposal system in Thilafushi.

The foundation is working to expand PET bottle collection beyond Male', creating systems for plastic waste management and recycling on various islands.

During the ceremony marking the first export of baled plastic bottles, the Coca-Cola Foundation donated a pickup truck and a baler to WAMCO, highlighting its commitment to improving waste management.

MOPA President Ahmed Maumoon described the project as a "revolutionary step" in the Maldives' fight against plastic pollution, while WAMCO's Managing Director Mujuthaba Jaleel emphasized its importance in solving the pressing issue of plastic pollution and supporting sustainability efforts in the country.

Carlos Pagoaga, President of The Coca-Cola Foundation, stated that the project aims to foster a sustainable culture and economy in the Maldives by collaborating with WAMCO and MOPA to ensure the effective use of the equipment provided, such as compactors and pickup trucks.

These tools are being used in both Male' and other islands to enhance plastic waste collection and recycling efforts, as part of a broader initiative to improve environmental protection and sustainability in the Maldives.

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