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Scout Association of Maldives and IUM celebrate International Day of Peace

Scout Association and IUM hosted a panel discussion to mark the International Day of Peace.

Ameera Osmanagic
22 September 2024, MVT 19:35
From the Sulhaige Vaahaka panel discussion organised by Scout Association and Islamic University of Maldives -- Photo: Scout Association
Ameera Osmanagic
22 September 2024, MVT 19:35

Scout Association of Maldives and Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) marked this year's International Day of Peace celebrated on 21st September, by holding a collaborative panel discussion titled "Sulhaige Vaahaka" at the IUM Hall.

The event, which ran from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., focused on the global theme, "Cultivating a Culture of Peace," aligning with the United Nations' 25th anniversary of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, said the Scout Association of Maldives.

The panel featured prominent figures from the Islamic University of the Maldives, Scout Association of Maldives, and the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology, showcasing a multidisciplinary approach to promoting peace through education, dialogue, and community involvement.

Panelists included:

- Al Uzthaaza Saamia Zakariyya, Senior Lecturer at IUM's Kuliya of the Quran.

- Uzthaaz Abdul Mueed Hassan, Senior Lecturer and Associate Lecturer in Maldivian History at IUM.

- Ibrahim Rasheed, Messenger of Peace Coordinator for the Maldivian Scout Association.

- Tholhath Raufuddeen, Director General of Internal Security and Technology, Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology.

The discussion centered on the role of youth in building a peaceful society, with panelists emphasizing that peace goes beyond the absence of conflict. They also highlighted how education—both formal and informal—plays a crucial role in nurturing these values in young minds and communities.

" With rising global tensions, the event served as a timely reminder of the values outlined by the United Nations 25 years ago—values that include respect for human rights, non-violence, justice, tolerance, and cultural diversity," Scout Association said.

Speaking at the event, panelists reiterated that young people, as future leaders, must be at the forefront of these efforts, promoting peace not just in their actions but through their engagement with broader societal issues.

The "Sulhaige Vaahaka" panel discussion concluded with a call for youth to continue the legacy of peace through collaboration, dialogue, and education, ensuring that the ideals of the culture of peace remain deeply rooted in Maldivian society and beyond.

185 Participants physically participated in the event while 221 participants participated virtually.

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