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Naeema's murder: State submits evidence that motive was suspicions of sorcery

The State has today submitted evidence to Criminal Court to back their claims that Naeema Moosa was murdered due to the perpetrators suspecting that she engaged in sorcery. The State has today submitted evidence to Criminal Court to back their claims that Naee

Mariyath Mohamed
05 December 2024, MVT 13:45
Mariyath Mohamed
05 December 2024, MVT 13:45

The State has today submitted evidence to Criminal Court to back their claims that Naeema Moosa was murdered due to the perpetrators suspecting that she engaged in sorcery.

Naeema Moosa of Noonu atoll Manadhoo was found dead in her residence with severe knife injuries in April last year. In the case, the State has charged three men from the island: Abdul Wahid Rifaas of Finifenmaage, Ahuzam AbduShukoor of Fehivilaage, and Hassan Fawaz from Vinares.

Charges pressed include murder with a sharp object, obstruction to justice and abuse of a corpse.

In today's hearing, the State revealed the evidence being submitted against Fawaz. This includes evidence to prove that Fawaz led the attack on Naeema and that he had done so stating that Naeema engages in sorcery.

The State also submitted evidence that these rumours about Naeema engaging in sorcery had been believed by many residents of Noonu Manadhoo, who had then repeated the allegations.

The State accuses the other two accused of also participating actively in the murder of Naeema. Fawaz is accused of planning the murder, and leading the attack. Rifaas and Ahusam have confessed to the crime during the investigation, and shared their accounts of events.

Fawaz was arrested in Male' based on statements from the other two. However, both withdrew their confessions in court, with Fawaz, too, denying the charges.

The State submitted the statements of Rifaas and Ahusam as evidence against Fawaz as well. They presented other evidence as well to prove that events occurred as described.

The State said that it was Fawaz who had taken Rifaas and Ahusam to Naeema's residence to commit the murder. After killing her, the two were taken away from the scene also in Fawaz's car. After this, attempts were made to destroy and bury some of the things they used in the murder.

Police have found the weapons and tools used in the murder after Rifaas and Ahusam divulged details of this during the investigation. Police have video footage showing the discovery of the weapons and tools. This video was submitted as evidence.

Naeema's DNA was also found on the recovered items.

The Court presented the opportunity for both the prosecution and defence to make submittals before the trial. In the case of the charges against Rifaas, this same opportunity was presented in the hearing held two days before as well.

Although Rifaas and Ahusam have said during the investigation that Naeema had been murdered due to allegations that she engaged in sorcery, Police have earlier said that no evidence has been found to suggest that Naeema had engaged in any such activity.

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