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Efforts underway to expedite capital punishment: Minister Ihusan

Minister Ihusan said that work is being put towards expediting the implementation of the death penalty.

Ameera Osmanagic
22 October 2024, MVT 23:31
Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, Ali Ihusan -- Photo: President's Office
Ameera Osmanagic
22 October 2024, MVT 23:31

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, Ali Ihusan, said today that efforts are underway to implement capital punishment as soon as possible.

Speaking at a press conference held at the President's Office today, Minister Ihusan said that there are international standards which are to be adhered to when implementing death sentences. Those include exhausting all legal avenues, and other aspects, given that the punishment would not be reversed once implemented.

He also said that policies and regulations need to be developed in line with these standards, and that facilities also need to be developed with trained employees to execute those on death row.

Ihusan further said that Maldives also declared at the United Nation's Human Rights Review that laws would be implemented as per Islamic standards given that Maldives is a Muslim country.

Alongside this, the government is also working to impose the capital punishment on those who smuggle drugs into the country, with amendments to the law already drafted.

Under existing laws, the death penalty in the Maldives can only be imposed for cases of intentional murder. While several individuals are currently on death row, no executions have taken place since 1953.

Ihusan said that two cases have been completed beyond reasonable doubt, with all legal avenues exhausted.

"I can assure you that it will go forward in the Maldives as announced. Our target is, not this term, but as soon as the work is done, I won't say a specific date, but we're working [to implement the capital punishment] as soon as possible," he said.