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Fuvahmulah City Council conducts Apprentice Program

Fuvahmulah City Council has today started an apprenticeship program with 15 participants.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 October 2024, MVT 12:24
Mariyath Mohamed
01 October 2024, MVT 12:24

Fuvahmulah City Council has today started an apprenticeship program with 15 participants.

The program aims to prepare youth to join the work environment and to equip them with the necessary skills. It will contribute towards youth empowerment and offer experience.

The Apprentice Program is designed for six months. Participants were selected through an interview process from amongst applicants aged between 18 to 20 years. The current batch consists of fifteen apprentices. Participants will be given a monthly allowance of MVR 1500.

The Council said that the program will cover:

- appropriate discipline in a work environment

- taking initiative and responsibility for one's work

- utilizing knowledge and experience

- working in teams

During the apprenticeship, participants will work in all branches of the council, earning valuable knowledge and experience.

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