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Thinadhoo airport project stalled over missing reports

The airport development project in Gdh. Thinadhoo has been stalled due to the contractor failing to submit necessary reports.

Ameera Osmanagic
07 March 2025, MVT 16:25
Gdh.Thinadhoo International Airport signing ceremony where Minister Muthalib signed on behalf of Maldives -- Photo: President's Office
Ameera Osmanagic
07 March 2025, MVT 16:25

The airport development project in Gdh. Thinadhoo has been stalled due to the contractor failing to submit necessary reports.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, during his visit to the island in Feburary 2024, Construction Minister Dr. Abdulla Muthhalib signed an MoU with Thailand's Pan Pacific Company Limited to develop the airport.

Despite being more than a year since, no details have been provided on the project. Local media outlet Mihaaru sought to receive more information via the Right to Information (RTI) Act on December 25, 2024. However, the matter had to be escalated to the Information Commissioner's Office before the ministry came forth with details on Thursday.

According the ministry, the agreement was signed after taking into consideration the proposal submitted by the contractor under the public sector investment project.

However, the project has not moved forward because the contractor has not submitted the technical and financial proposal to the ministry, they said.

Although Mihaaru sent six questions sent to the ministry, no further information was provided.

Muthhalib had earlier said the contract agreement would be signed after verifying the technical and financial capabilities of the company.

At the MoU signing ceremony, he said the government would not incur any expenses for the construction of the airport and that all costs would be borne by the investors.

The agreement also includes investing in the tourism sector of the island as well as other economic activities once the airport is constructed in the Thinadhoo lagoon.

Muthhalib also said that the reason why development cannot be seen from Gaafu Dhaalu atoll despite having resources, is because governments had neglected the atoll for years. He said an additional airport is important for the area's development.

He said the airport would be able to accommodate the largest aircrafts and that a flying pool, cargo services and a fuel farm would also be established there.

Along with the airport, the contractor had also proposed to develop 12 resorts in the area. The minister said that many beds would be established there and a big change would be brought to Huvadhoo atoll.