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Children under State care relocated from Veymandoo

The children who were under State care and living in Thaa atoll Veymandoo have been relocated to another island.

Mariyath Mohamed
20 October 2024, MVT 14:48
From the protest at Thaa atoll Veymandhoo, demanding the child be removed from the island.
Mariyath Mohamed
20 October 2024, MVT 14:48

The children who were under State care and living in Thaa atoll Veymandoo have been relocated to another island.

The children had to be transferred after heated protests following a girl in care of Family and Children's Service Centre on the island attacked a staff member originating from the island.

It has been reported that the children have been transferred to a State care centre on another island. Children are placed under State care often after neglect from families.

Veymandoo residents led the protests, demanding that the child be removed from the island. Officials from the Ministry of Family and Social Development visited the island and attempted to resolve the issue. However, even the island's council demanded that the child be removed from the island within 24 hours.

A media official from the ministry confirmed to Mihaaru News that the children that had been placed at Veymandoo have now been transferred elsewhere, declining from naming the new location to protect the children's dignity.

The girl in question, about 16 years of age, had been taken to Veymandoo about nine months ago. Issues regarding the child had been brought to the attention of authorities previously as well, such as causing harm to other children.

The Family and Children's Service Centre in Veymandoo had housed five children. Once residents of the island protested against allowing the girl to stay on the island, the Ministry made the decision to relocate all five children.

This also met with discontent from residents, with one resident telling Mihaaru News that relocation of all the children only led to giving the island a bad name.

They further voiced concerns that despite housing children at the centre, no facilities such as counselling had been made available for the children.

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