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Aasandha expenditure up by nearly 5 percent in first quarter of 2024

Aasandha expenses up by nearly five percent. The company's budget for this year is MVR 1.9 billion.

Ameera Osmanagic
19 May 2024, MVT 18:35
[File] A health care facility which provides services of Aasandha Company Ltd -- Photo: Aasandha
Ameera Osmanagic
19 May 2024, MVT 18:35

The expenditure of Aasandha Company Ltd has increased by nearly five percent in the first three months of 2024, than what it was during the same period last year.

Data shared by the state-owned company, which is tasked with managing the government's healthcare financing services, shows that a total of MVR 838 million (USD 54.34 million) was spent between 1st January and 31st march of this year.

This is 4.8 percent higher than that of last year, which saw MVR 799 million (USD 51.82 million) spent on health care financing for Maldivians. In 2022, this amount was nearly halved at MVR 488 million (USD 31.65 million).

Aasandha has a total budget of MVR 1.9 billion (USD 123.2 million) allocated for the year 2024.

While a total of MVR 7.4 billion (USD 479.25 million) was spent on Aasandha in the past five years, the most was spent in 2022, with all the company still exceeding the budget by 20 percent in all five years.

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