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45 visually impaired voters exercised their right: EC

Rabeeha Amir
16 September 2023, MVT 18:51
[File] A visually impaired individuals votes independently for the first time
Rabeeha Amir
16 September 2023, MVT 18:51

The Elections Commission (EC) reported that a total of 45 voters participated in the presidential election using a specially designed template, allowing visually impaired individuals to vote independently.

Following the amendment to the Presidential Election Act in June, the plastic template was introduced, allowing visually impaired voters to temporarily insert it within the ballot paper to cast their votes independently.

The template features a marked cutout that aligns with the designated voting area, enabling voters to place their mark accurately. This marks the first instance in which such a provision has been implemented to ensure independent voting for the visually impaired.

Despite having a population of over 800 visually impaired individuals, only 45 people used this template to exercise their voting rights.

The issue of maintaining the secrecy of votes for visually impaired voters has long been a concern. In order to find a solution, the Blind Association has engaged with various institutions nationwide and met with the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Independent Institutions to address and share their concerns.