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Rajani Shrestha deported for conducting business illegally

Immigration authorities announced today that Rajani Shrestha, who operated "Ritz Beauty Salon" in Malé, was deported for conducting business without proper authorization and for absconding from her employer.

Anaan Bushry
31 August 2024, MVT 09:45
Anaan Bushry
31 August 2024, MVT 09:45

Immigration authorities announced today that Rajani Shrestha, who operated "Ritz Beauty Salon" in Malé, was deported for conducting business without proper authorization and for absconding from her employer.

Addressing circulating social media reports suggesting that Rajani was wrongfully deported, Immigration Controller Mohamed Shamaan informed "Mihaaru" that police and immigration intelligence had received reports of Rajani running her own business in the Maldives. During questioning, she admitted to these activities.

"She has confessed to all aspects of her business operations, including how she conducts them and transfers funds," Shamaan stated.

He further explained that Rajani, a Nepalese national, had entered the Maldives and subsequently absconded from her sponsor.

"Her employer reported her missing after she absconded. Maldivian law prohibits foreigners from conducting businesses in this manner," Shamaan noted.

He added that the Home Ministry does not issue work permits to individuals reported as missing by their employers.

It appears that the Labor Relations Authority did not notify Immigration of her missing status. In certain situations like this, a special visa is usually issued.

After absconding, Rajani began working at another salon, which reportedly did not have the necessary permissions to employ foreign workers. The earnings from her services at this salon were allegedly deposited into a foreigner's account.

A social media post claims that Rajani was deported while she was in the process of legally changing jobs, after not receiving her salary for several months from her original sponsor.

It is also alleged that her deportation involved collusion between her employer and an immigration officer, who arranged a meeting with her to ensure her presence at the salon.

However, Immigration Watch notes that this is a standard practice for officers to verify information and confirm the presence of suspected individuals at specific locations.

After being detained by Immigration, Rajani had filed a case with the Labor Relations Authority. According to the social media post, she was deported while her case was still under investigation.

Ritz Salon, where Rajani was employed, gained popularity among Maldivians, partly due to their TikTok presence.

Rajani arrived in the Maldives in February 2020 and converted to Islam, subsequently changing her name to Aishath Rizqin.

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