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Elections Commission recalls decision to fine Zameel and Electoral Agent's

Zameel and his electoral agent have been absolved of having to pay a total of MVR 26,000 in fines to the Elections Commission.

Ameera Osmanagic
28 June 2024, MVT 11:51
[File] Presidential candidate Hassan Zameel -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
28 June 2024, MVT 11:51

Elections Commission has quashed the decision to fine presidential candidate Hassan Zameel and his electoral agent for submitting incomplete financial statements during the presidential elections held late last year.

Elections Commission, claimed that five of the eight presidential candidates who contested in the election which was held in September 2023 failed to submit complete financial statements and fined each candidate by MVR 20,000 and their respective electoral agents by MVR 6,000.

Zameel and his agent were also among these five candidates. In response, the pair sued the Elections Commission, contesting the fine.

In the matter, Civil Court ruled on Thursday that Elections Commission on Sunday had recalled its decision to fine Zameel and his agent while the case was still in court. The court ruled as such following the request to withdraw the complaint, the verdict reads.

Presidential candidates are required by law to submit a financial statement detailing their expenses in the presidential elections, as determined by the Elections Commission. However, the commission earlier said that only President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Jumhooree Party (JP)'s leader and current MP Qasim Ibrahim submitted the statements in accordance with the standard.

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