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Moosa blocked from running for posts within MDP

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has informed its former Chairperson Moosa Manik that he cannot run for MDP's National Congress or any other leading positions.

Mariyath Mohamed
09 July 2024, MVT 09:57
MDP campaign / Presidential election
Mariyath Mohamed
09 July 2024, MVT 09:57

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has informed its former Chairperson Moosa Manik that he cannot run for MDP's National Congress or any other leading positions.

Moosa shared on social media X an image of the response he received from MDP when he submitted a form to run for the party's Male' City President's post.

In the letter, MDP said that when Moosa had been earlier dismissed from the party, it had been decided that he cannot run for a leading post in the party for a period of five years even if he rejoins.

He was dismissed from the party in 2022 for going against the party whipline in a vote in parliament.

Moosa was informed that he cannot run for office for five years from November 9, 2022 as the Appeals Committee found no reason to contest the decision of the Disciplinary Committee.

Hence, the reply to Moosa stated that his application had been rejected.

After Moosa was dismissed from MDP, he first served as an independent parliamentarian, and then later joined Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM). However, following then President Abdulla Yameen's defeat in the 2018 presidential elections, Moosa expressed support for then elected President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and rejoined MDP.

Moosa was active in MDP's campaign efforts even in the last presidential election.

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