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Will give no room for discord with the Government: Mayor Azim

Azim has said he will work in union with the government to oversee the works of the City Council and said he will give no room for any discord or conflict to arise with the government or its ministries on matters that will benefit the public.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 January 2024, MVT 11:09
Mayor Adam Azim.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 January 2024, MVT 11:09

Male City Council’s new Mayor, Adam Azim has said that he will not allow any room for discord with the government and that the government will face no difficulties from the Male City Council on matters that benefit the public.

He declared this during Male City Council’s first meeting held this morning after he had assumed office.

Azim said that the City Council’s work will be carried out in union with the government and that all of the State’s requirements from the council will be supported.

“I give my full guarantee that I will not cause any level of difficulty to the government on matters that benefit the citizens and eases their life.” Said Azim.

He asked the Councilors to bring it to his attention if they feel the government is being dealt even a minor hint of hardship from the City Council.

“Don’t want any conflict, nothing. Don’t want any discord, be it with the Ministries or with the government as a whole,” Azim said.

He firmly guaranteed that affairs that profit the citizens will not be obstructed by him.

“I am everyone’s Mayor; I will work in harmony with all.” He said.

Male City Council’s majority is with the ruling coalition, PPM (Progressive Party of Maldives)/PNC (People’s National Congress) with a single other opposition member alongside Azim.