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Aasandha Policy for IVF, IUI To Be Released This Month

The policy for IVF and IUI with the help of Aasandha will be finalized and announced this month, NSPA has said.

12 February 2024, MVT 13:14
12 February 2024, MVT 13:14

The policy for IVF with the help of Aasandha will be finalized and announced this month, NSPA has said.

The agency's CEO Heena Waleed told Mihaaru last night that they are consulting technical experts on the rules related to granting Aasandha to IVF and IUI. Technical comments will be sought by the end of this week, she said.

She said a special policy concerning medical assistance in cases of infertility would be sent to the President's Office and gazetted this month. After that, they will get government medical insurance.

Along with IVF, fertility-related treatment would be made available through Aasandha, President Dr. Muizzu pledged earlier. In accordance with this, all treatments other than IVF and IUI will be provided under Aasandha coverage from this year.

However, in December, NSPA had amended the "Regulation for Limitless Aasandha" to make it mandatory for the treatment of infertility cases to be governed under a separate policy.

NSPA is now working on making the policy public.

If having children naturally is not an option, an alternative is to pursue parenthood through IUI and IVF. Until recently, numerous individuals sought treatment in India due to the unavailability of IVF services within the country. However, irrespective of the personal expenses incurred, neither of these treatments were covered by Aasandha.

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