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Heena’s determination; Standing tall with each fall

This is a translation of a Dhivehi report written by Asima Nizar of Mihaaru News. Diagnosed with chronic breast cancer, Heena, CEO of NSPA, shares the difficulties of navigating life while receiving treatment.

06 February 2024, MVT 06:24
NSPA CEO Heena Waleed receiving treatment for cancer
06 February 2024, MVT 06:24

It was during the lively days of the presidential election. Heena, was managing important responsibilities of the then opposition party, PNC, when the devastating news of her health came to light; she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Filled with shock, distress and disbelief, her world had felt like it was ending.

With today’s celebration of Cancer day, Heena, former TV anchor who now serves as CEO of NSPA (National Social Protection Agency), wrote on Facebook that after leaving her fate in God’s hands, she had hastily begun her treatment, blissfully unaware of the challenges and pain it would bring her.

Despite all the struggles, Heena is determined to stand tall and get back on her feet each time she falls. She says that she has no strength to call into work at times but fortifies her resolution and still calls in the next day.

Also the Spokesperson of ruling coalition PNC, this courageous woman explained that with each drop of IV chemotherapy that enters her body, the growing cancer cells in her body were being demolished alongside her immune system. Her body altered in many ways as a result and she began experiencing widespread body swelling. Appetite loss also became a problem with the changing taste of food.

She had also begun rapidly losing her hair due to the intense treatment. Muscle pain and acute aching of even the most minor bones in her body became her daily routine and her perception of herself started suffering.

“It was like my self-confidence was gradually chipping away. Each walk into the theatre is with a restless heart, muttering any prayer I can think of. Wishing that I will be able to see my parents, children and loved ones again. Following chemotherapy, I spent one month receiving radiation treatment. Exposing my body to concentrated radiation each day was not an easy feat,” she wrote on the post, attaching pictures of herself ongoing treatment at the hospital.

Heena was determined to move forward despite this difficult curve in her life. She increased movements in spite of feeling weak. She adopted a positive perception of the illness and began the dispute against her mind and heart to deflect all negative thinking and mental plight.

In attempts to win back her life, she took control and began taming all the challenges and difficulties that accompanied her hours and days.

Heena conveys her message that cancer is a dangerous and frightening illness filled with agony. She acknowledged the terror of an unknown future but urges not to lose hope and persevere.

She insisted the importance of understanding that others cannot fathom the pain and emotions of a cancer patient and implored to adopt the belief that they will be cured. The biggest importance, as Heena highlighted, was to pray frequently.

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