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Empowerment Hub established to assist disabled people earn an income

The center aims to equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to start their own businesses, fostering financial independence.

Malika Shahid
14 October 2024, MVT 15:40
Minister of Social and Family Development Dr Aishath Shiham -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
14 October 2024, MVT 15:40

The Ministry of Social and Family Development has announced plans to establish an "Empowerment Hub" designed to provide income generating opportunities for individuals with special needs.

This hub will serve as a dedicated space where people with disabilities can acquire new skills, sell their creations, and secure employment.

The center aims to equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to start their own businesses, fostering financial independence.

The hub will offer a platform for people with special needs to showcase their talents and abilities, the ministry said.

The hub will provide opportunities to run businesses while also providing a platform to find skilled individuals.

The ministry is currently searching for a location and working on the hub's design model, with the aim that the hub can be used at any time.