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Maldives' Coral Stone Art featured at 24th Biennale of Sydney

Mariyath Mohamed
24 April 2024, MVT 17:28
Orb of Intricacy by Imran of Gadheemee Collection.-- Photo: Mauroof Jameel
Mariyath Mohamed
24 April 2024, MVT 17:28

The 24th Biennale of Sydney, titled 'Ten Thousand Suns', features Maldives' coral stone art and architecture, giving this highly intricate traditional form of art a global stage and wider recognition.

The Biennale is being held from 9th March to 10th June in six Sydney locations.

The Biennale of Sydney has been held since 1973, featuring nearly 2000 artists from over 100 countries to date.

Mauroof Jameel, with decades of experience in the field of architecture, is a renowned expert who has spent years delving into Maldives' architectural heritage. Working alongside him for the exhibition is Hamsha Hussain, bringing with her an in-depth expertise in architectural heritage preservation.

An exhibit compiled collaboratively by Mauroof and Hamsha have been set up at the exhibition by their curators.

Entwined, by Imran of Gadheemee Collection.-- Photo: Mauroof Jameel

Speaking to The Edition, Mauroof said that the organizers had approached him to participate in the Biennale.

"I asked them why we were shortlisted. Their response is that they are exploring areas on the peripheries of global art. Architecture is seen as one of these art forms," Mauroof explained.

The organizers had seen some of Mauroof's extensive work on coral stone architecture over the years and expressed interest in featuring the art form in this year's Biennale.

"It is of great honour to have this art form receive global recognition. This time it is through me, but we are seeing young artists interpret it in their own ways as well now. It is important to emphasize the cultural importance of coral stone art and architecture," Mauroof said.

The exhibition shows the elaborate carvings etched onto coral stone, in centuries old mosques and gravestones in the Maldives, showcasing the enduring creativity of the Maldivian people throughout history.

Exhibits state that 26 coral stone mosques and compounds are in the Maldives, with the interiors featuring intricate timber and lacquer work alongside coral stone bricks and carving.

They state that the coral stone architecture of these mosques date as far back as 300 BCE.

Orb of Intricacy by Imran of Gadheemee Collection.-- Photo: Mauroof Jameel

The patterns in these designs, and the regional influences on them based on maritime activities and cultural mingling of the time, only goes to offer a deeper understanding of our rich culture.

Besides the majesty of surviving historical artifacts of this art form, the exhibition also includes a display of a modern interpretation of coral stone art by Mohamed Imran of Gadheemee Collection.

His art pieces 'Entwined' and 'Orb of intricacy' are included in this exhibition.

"This is an art form that has traditionally been applied to tombs and similar structures before. What I am aiming to do is trying to apply the art to modern objects like vases and displays," Imran told The Edition.

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