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Request to recount the Dhuvaafaru ballot boxes with a four vote difference lodged

EC has received a request to retally the vote boxes of Dhuvaafaru Constituency due to a 4 vote difference observed between the two highest scoring candidates. The Commission stated that they will reach a decision today after reviewing essential procedures.

Aishath Shuba Solih
24 April 2024, MVT 18:42
Election Officials counting ballots during the parliamentary polls held on Sunday. -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
24 April 2024, MVT 18:42

A request has been lodged to the Elections Commission (EC) to recount the ballot boxes of Dhuvaafaru Constituency that had produced results with a four vote distinction between the two closest candidates of the seat during the parliamentary polls held on Sunday.

Member of the Commission, Hassan Zakariyya shared with Mihaaru News that an appeal to retally the ballots of Dhuvaafaru Constituency has been submitted to the Complain Bureau and declared that the Commission will reach a decision regarding the matter today.

He said that the request was lodged stating that the difference of votes observed between the two closest candidates were very close. Hassan further stated that regardless of this small difference, no issues had occurred at any voting stations of the Constituency during polling.

"Even if this is requested, you must also be aware that no significant conflicts had risen within the Constituency. As such, a decision will be reached after inspecting the procedures the Commission needs to review." said Hassan.

Interim results by the EC indicate that the People's National Congress candidate vying for the Dhuvaafaru Seat, Mohamed Ali had secured the seat with total ballot count of 1,074. His closest contender, Independent candidate Ibrahim Abdul Rahman had collected 1,070 votes which results in a mere 4 vote variation between the two.

A similar request was lodged to the EC previously to retally a ballot box of the Thinadhoo Constituency as well. However, the Commission had informed the Constituency that there was no valid reason to recount the box.

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