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Thilafushi land reclamation handed over to CHEC

Mohamed Rehan
30 December 2022, MVT 19:18
HDC showcases Thilafushi masterplan project via scaled design-- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
30 December 2022, MVT 19:18

The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has contracted China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) for the land reclamation project in K. Thilafushi.

The project will see land mass added to the industrial island, to expand Thilafushi into an industrial hub.

An official from HDC said that agreement with CHEC was signed on December 15. The contractor is a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), which built the Sinamalé Bridge.

CHEC was also contracted with the installation of the water system between Malé and Hulhumalé.

According to HDC, land reclamation in Thilafushi is expected to commence on January 2023. The project will progress in separate phases.

“The contractor will first reclaim 40 hectares of land, which is expected to be completed in eight months,” the official said.

A total of 151 hectares of land will be reclaimed in Thilafushi, which will be fully completed in two years.

Before the mobilisation of the reclamation project, HDC completed the master plan for Thilafushi development. The reclaimed land will be used for various industrial activities, which will bring an end to industrial work in Malé.

The Masterplan

- Reclamation of 151 hectares of land

- Construction of a powerplant

- Development of a fuel farm

- Vessel docking harbor

- Recreational building

- Buildings for industrial activities

The Maldives government has said that Thilafushi development plan will run concurrently with the Greater Malé development and Thilamalé bridge projects.

As part of the development plan’s first phase, the government stopped burning waste on the island.

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