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Dr Shaheem appointed to the Supreme Council of Muslim World League

Muslim World League (MWL) has appointed the Islamic Minister, Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed into the Supreme Council of the association and has also delivered an invitation to join a meeting by the Council at Riyadh on the 23rd of this month to the Minister.

Aishath Shuba Solih
09 April 2024, MVT 13:24
Minister of Islamic Affairs at Maldives, Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed with the Secretary General of MWL, Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa.
Aishath Shuba Solih
09 April 2024, MVT 13:24

Minister of Islamic Affairs at Maldives, Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has been appointed as a member of the Supreme Council at the Muslim World League (MWL).

The Supreme Council is the highest authority at the MWL which adopts all plans approved by their General Secretariat.

Minister Shaheem was appointed to this Council by the Secretary General of MWL, Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa.

Muslim World League or Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami is the largest international association of the Islamic world which was founded sixty-two years ago in the year 1962 and employs globally renowned Islamic scholars at the League.

The headquarters of this association is situated in Mecca; the holiest city in Islam.

In addition to providing Islamic invitations, education and discipline, multiple universities/colleges and Quran centers are also run under MWL.

Shaheem was extended an invitation to attend a convention by the Supreme Council of the Rabitat at the Capital City of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh on the 23rd of April.

There are six affiliated councils and organizations within the MWL. They are:

- The Supreme Council which is the supreme authority of the association.

- The World Supreme Council for Mosques which aims to shield mosques from assault and strives to revitalize mosques as a focal point of Islam

- The General Islamic Conference, which represents the aspirations of Islamic nations across the global in achieving their topmost goals.

- The International Commission of Jurists which tackles human rights issues around the world in line with the association's goals.

- The Organization of Muslim Scholars which aims to unite Islamic scholars to clarify different causes and address rising incidents faced by the community

- The Islamic Fiqh Council which comprises of a group of Muslim jurists who periodically convene to address serious issues plaguing the Muslim community and issue appropriate verdicts based on the Quran and Sunnah.