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Man dies in hospital after brutal attack in a Malé shop

27 February 2023, MVT 10:10
Gang violence death
27 February 2023, MVT 10:10

The 30-year-old man who was aétacked with a sharp object last Friday night, has passed away on Monday morning.

An official from Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) said that the individual passed away at around 6:45 a.m. this morning. He had been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and was reportedly on a ventilator.

He was attacked while he was in a cosmetic shop in Maafannu ward of Malé.

A 20-year-old man was arrested on Saturday night in relation to the incident. The police have not officially given any information regarding this case yet.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has recently warned of increased organised violent crimes due to gang-related disputes. He said that the police would be carrying out special operations to tackle these crimes and that additional measures would be introduced for public safety.

The police have since launched a stop-and-search operation for individuals wearing helmets in areas where it is not required by law, and they also announced that officers above the rank of sergeants would now be authorised to carry Tasers, after they undergo special training.

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