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Environment Police begin waste management work

Fathmath Shaahunaz
03 August 2018, MVT 20:46
Cadets pictured cleaning the streets of Male during the Male Cleaning Day organised by WAMCO and Environment Ministry in April 2018. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
03 August 2018, MVT 20:46

The recently formed 'Environment Police' has commenced its mandate to support Waste Management Corporation Limited (WAMCO) in enforcing waste management regulations.

Police spokesperson revealed Thursday that the constabulary force, in uniform, began their Environment Police work in capital Male City in mid-July.

Maldives Police Service, WAMCO, and the Ministry of Environment and Energy signed the contract to form the Environment Police last March.

Under the agreement, the Environment Police would patrol Male in order to stop and take action against people who transport waste illegally. In addition, they will maintain safety and traffic in the zones specialized for WAMCO, and aid the corporation in resolving security related issues.

The constabulary force are also stipulated to take action against those who violate the waste management regulations stated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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