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Jp leader Qasim calls for immediate release of ex-pres Yameen

Nafaahath Ibrahim
09 March 2019, MVT 13:53
Jumhooree Party leader and Parliament Speaker Qasim Ibrahim. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
09 March 2019, MVT 13:53

Jumhooree Party leader and Parliament Speaker Qasim Ibrahim on Friday called for the immediate release of former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyom.

While speaking at the ceremony held to officially launch the campaign of Henveriru South candidate Alhan Fahmy, Qasim stated that he does not believe keeping in detention is the right thing.

The former president has money laundering charges against him and Criminal Court ordered to keep him in detention following Prosecutors claims that Yamen attempted to influence witnesses by the means of bribery.

Qasim stated that although the current government was against imprisoning former presidents, their actions now contrdict that.

He went on to say that he witnessed two police officers make up a false report and give false testimonies under the oath. Hence, arresting Yameen simply based on a report was not right.

Furthermore, the parliament speaker said that it is dishearting that courts issue such orders based on an intelligent report rather than go for a fair and open trial.

He also questioned if it was the right thing to put every president in jail, noting that in recent times, former President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik was the only one who has not been subjected to such treatment.

Speaking at the gathering, Qasim also criticized fellow coalition party member Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Qasim declared that he does not believe former President Mohamed Nasheed to be the leader of MDP.

As per MDP charter, if the President is from the party, then by default he holds the highest rank within the party. The party leader holds the highest ranking only when they are the opposition.

"Hence, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is the leader of MDP", said Qasim.

MDP is facing criticism as Nasheed attends to most of the party responsibilities and takes important decisions instead of President Solih.

Notably, both MDP and JP are still in the coalition that joined forces and contested against Yameen in the 2018 Presidential Elections.

Meanwhile, on late Thursday, opposition parties Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People's National Congress (PNC) announced their support for 27 candidates who are running for parliament with JP ticket.