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High Court accepts contempt case against PG Office

Malika Shahid
26 November 2023, MVT 15:10
[File] PG Shameem: The High Court has recently accepted a case filed against the PG Office for contempt of court
Malika Shahid
26 November 2023, MVT 15:10

The High Court has accepted the case of the fine of MVR 10,000 imposed by the Prosecutor General's Office for contempt of court.

The Prosecutor General's Office was fined MVR 10,000 for its failure to disclose information required by the Seenu atoll Feydhoo Court. This marks the first time that a fine has been imposed on the Prosecutor General's Office in connection with a case of contempt of court.

Despite the prosecution's appeal to the High Court, the registrar of the court decided not to accept the case. According to the High Court regulations, decisions of the Registrar can be appealed to the bench.

The Prosecutor General's Office was fined for not complying with an order to disclose the criminal records of state witnesses.

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